Monday, October 28, 2013

Saturday Sept 27, 2014...It's On!!!


Savanna Rules!   Time To Party!  ... Anaheim, California's 

50th Reunion for Savanna High-Class of 1964 

We are a friendly class inviting other Rebel classes to attend too!   

SATURDAY, SEPT 27 2014.. 7 p.m.  Game on! 
HILTON HOTEL Costa Mesa   (on Bristol across from So. Coast Plaza)

Locating Classmates and Reservations through:
Contact : Great Reunions  at 800 655-7971 

or click here  to get to their page link for our reunion info.

(email contact is: - put name Angie Zavala in subject line)

$99 includes Buffet Dining... Contact Great Reunions for reservations

PLEASE COME.. Dress is Casual!!! 

WHO ARE these guys???     5 Class of 64 Rebel Annes and 2 Johnny Rebs are playing at organizing one heck of  a party Top Row left to right.  Patt (Duke) Sweet, Joyce (Black) Garcia . Jeanie (Noble) Okeefe, Patt (Jump) Blair-Hughes.  In the FRONT ROW....Left to Right: Peggy (Fieldcamp) Huerta, Stan The Man Tkaczyk,  and Tony Brooklier

 We've had a few meetings to get things rolling. Meeting agendas go something like this. 20 mins of working on the reunion...2 hours of .. Anyone know how or where  Fill in the name is ? ... and remember when stuff!  It's a hoot. We need a larger group to fill the reunion for maximum fun.   That means YOU and any other Savanna Rebel you know.

HOTEL RATE:  Contact The Hilton for  overnight room reservations.
Hilton Costa Mesa 3050 Bristol St. Costa Mesa Ca 92626
 714 540-0700
Tell them you are with the Class of 64- Savanna Reunion for a hotel rate of ( we think) $109 including parking for those with vehicles.    For those flying in....   BONUS: This hotel offers shuttle service to and from Orange County/John Wayne Airport.

KODAK MOMENTs :  IF you happen to have some great photos from the class of '64 that you might share as part of a venue decoration plan.... please send a soft copy to Patt (Duke) at

FINDING OUR FRIENDS : Should you know the whereabouts of some of our classmates...  Please contact Great Reunions with their address so we might get them 'connected' with reunion plans.

FRIENDS WE'VE LOST: Should you know of a passing of one of our classmates, please let Patt (Duke) Sweet know via email at

Aren't sure you will come???  READ THESE TOP UNACCEPTABLE EXCUSES 
EXCUSE # 1: I'm overweight!
REBUTTAL: You are not alone! and NO ONE CARES how much you weigh.

EXCUSE #2: I'm a different person than I was in high school.
REBUTTAL: Lucky for you. We ALL are. Let's face it, we could only have improved over 50 years.

EXCUSE #3: I don't look as good as I'd like. I'm bald, I have wrinkles, saddlebags, grey hair, and no one will recognize me.
REBUTTAL: Guess what, you won't recognize anyone else either.  This should be great fun guessing who you are talking to!!!  ;-)

EXCUSE #4: I'm not successful. I'm not a lawyer, a doctor, a banker, or rich.
REBUTTAL: You'll be pleasantly surprised how much everyone has matured (see excuse no. 3)  We may be plump and wrinkled but we're not stupid. Money is not success!

EXCUSE #5I was not in a popular clique in school.
REBUTTAL: Now that we are old and smart, those cliques have dissolved just like the superficialities they were based on.  The only cliques you'll notice will be the sound of your joints as you walk.

EXCUSE #6: I won't remember anyone and no one will remember me.
REBUTTAL: Our class was huge, and we didn't know everyone in it. So what if you don't remember anyone. Most of us don't either. Let's just come and meet new friends.

This is a night for fun with people that knew you in the most awkward time of all our lives.  Let's celebrate just being ALIVE to attend our 50th reunion. CAN"T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!

Borrowed from Mary Fobian for  Oelweit Community High School, class of 69.

LOOKING BACK IN TIME:  ... addendum posting by Peggy (Fieldcamp) Huerta

As we start this new year of 2014, I can’t help but remember one 50 years ago when we started our last semester of high school. I imagine each of us was so eager to graduate that we never even thought about a reunion in 50 years! But,  we are looking at a reality now!! 

Our 50th Reunion is scheduled for Sept. 27th, 2014. I sure hope you have that red letter day marked and are making plans to attend. 

"Think about how things have changed since 1963-64! In the fall of our senior year we were still using rotary-dial land line telephones! In November that year, touch-tone phones were made available. Look where we are now! We can now talk from anywhere to anyone without wires!! And everyone carries a cell phone, even grade-schoolers!
In 1964 the first computer mouse was developed! I don’t even remember knowing about computers our senior year. And remember the cars? The Ford Mustang made its debut in 1964. And few of our class drove their own cars to school. Now, it seems like turning 16 means you automatically get a car!!
And who could forget the Beatles our Senior year!! December of 1963 they released their first album, and by January of 1964 it was released in the U.S. Remember when they appeared on the "Ed Sullivan Show"?? What excitement!! The Kingsmen released "Louie, Louie" in the Fall of 1963 and in February of 1964 the Governor of Indiana declared the song "pornographic". What would he think of Miley Cyrus?? The Rolling Stones released their debut album in April of 1964! They are still touring!
The Reunion Planning Committee is working to make sure our 50th Reunion is a memorable occasion. We know that we are not the person we thought WE were 50 years ago, AND our classmates are not the person we thought THEY were 50 years ago. We have each changed. Some of us are fatter, some are thinner. Some of us have grey hair, some of us have no grey hair; some have no hair! Some of us are still working and some have been retired for years. None of that matters! We want to see you and reconnect after all these years!! We want to renew old friendships and create new friendships! Don’t miss this "once-in-a-lifetime" chance!"

How does Savanna look today? Pretty Cool!  
Thanks for the pics Jeanie (Noble) O'Keefe  
click on photos for enlarged view